Qualitative reading inventory
Qualitative reading inventory

qualitative reading inventory

Basic Reading Inventory: Pre-Primer Through Grade Twelve and Early Literacy Assessment (11th ed.). Bader Reading and Language Inventory (7th ed.). If the educator’s school does not have copies to lend out, here is a list of suggested commercially developed informal reading inventories the participant may consider purchasing or borrowing: Participants in this session who do not have access to their own copy of Leslie and Caldwell’s (2017) QRI-6 will need to purchase or borrow an informal reading inventory (i.e., QRI, ARI, IRI) instrument to complete Part B of the Data-Based Instruction Plan. Since this publication is protected by copyright law, limited photocopies will be available to participants. For training purposes in Session 2.4, the facilitators will present and model portions an informal reading inventory from the Qualitative Reading Inventory-6 (Leslie and Caldwell, 2017).Activity 2.4.1: Three… Two… One… Blast Off!.Examiner Level Four Leveled Passages – Amelia Earhart.Examiner Level Three Leveled Passages – A Special Birthday for Rosa.Level Four Leveled Passages – Amelia Earhart.Level Three Leveled Passages – A Special Birthday for Rosa.Student Directions for Leveled Diagnostic Reading Passages.Student Directions for Word List Practice in Session.Examiner Directions for Word List Practice in Session.QRI-6 Introduction and Practice PowerPoint.The individually administered IRI will provide further insight regarding each student’s abilities to identify words, read fluently, and comprehend texts at the independent, instructional, and frustration levels. National Project on Achievement on Twins (NatPAT) COVID Studyĭuring this session, participants will review and practice administering an informal reading inventory, also known as an IRI, to the target group of students.Florida Learning Disabilities Research Center.ESSA Evidence-Based Interventions for School Improvement Guides.

qualitative reading inventory qualitative reading inventory

English Learners Voluntary Prekindergarten (EL VPK).Accelerating Target Language to Achieve Success (ATLAS).

Qualitative reading inventory